Customer Complaints and How To Handle Them


Customer Complaints and How To Handle Them Every online sellers must have faced this once in a while: Your customer coming back to you, unhappy and complaining about the purchase. How should you handle customer complaints? What action do you need to take? Ecommerce is a great business model that allow buyers to shop anytime, anywhere. […]

Challenges faced by wholesellers who wish to sell online.


[vc_row animation=””][vc_column animation=””][vc_column_text animation=””]The annual sales turnover of majority of wholesale distribution companies is estimated to be nearly seven trillion dollars. The wholesale distributors who are the cornerstones of the economy played a pivotal role in the distribution of goods and services for the past one hundred years. Today, majority of them are facing difficulties […]

Why you should sell online today?


[vc_row animation=””][vc_column animation=””][vc_column_text animation=””] Why you should sell online today? We have witnessed a significant improvement in the field of E-commerce for the past few decades. There seems to be no signs of setbacks with respect to sales when compared to brick and mortar. According to reports submitted by the National Retail Foundation, the online […]